# Section ios

This plugin extracts and analyzes forensic artifacts from a iOS system, used in iPhones and iPads.

# Creating iOS backups

The main input for the jobs in this plugin is an iOS backup. You can create this backup using iTunes or idevicebackup2 from the libimobile library (https://www.libimobiledevice.org/ (opens new window)). Encrypted backups are preferred, since they include additional information not present in regular backups.

idevicebackup2 encryption on "PASSWORD"
idevicebackup2 backup .
idevicebackup2 encryption off "PASSWORD"

You need the backup password. Write it down somewhere.

The path to the main job is the path to the folder containing the backup, or a .zip file containing the backup.

Save the backup as the folder %(imagedir)s/CASE_NAME/SOURCE_NAME or zip file %(imagedir)s/images/CASE_NAME/SOURCE_NAME.zip.

If the backup is encrypted, an additinal step to decrypt the backup is needed. Currently, the RVT2 does not include directly the tools to decrypt an iOS backup and you must install or clone an external tool such as https://github.com/dinosec/iphone-dataprotection (opens new window). Once installed, add this configuration to the RVT2:

unback_command: PATH_TO_IOS_DATAPROTECTION/python_scripts/backup_tool.py {bk_path} {extract_path}

If ios_dataprotection is used, the password will be asked during the job ios.unback.

# Jobs

  • ios.characterize: Characterizes an iPhone backup. This backup must be previously unbacked. See job plugins.ios.unback.Unback
  • ios.preforensics: Run a selected set of jobs in this module: unback, characterize, databases, cookies, whatsapp
  • ios.unback: Unback an iOS backup directory or zip file
  • ios.unback2: Unback an iOS backup directory or zip file
  • ios.timeline: Parse manifest file and generate a body and a timeline csv using mactime
  • ios.apollo_auto: Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO).
  • ios.apollo: Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO).
  • ios.ileapp: Parse iOS databases from the iLEAPP project (https://github.com/abrignoni/iLEAPP).
  • ios.databases: Parse other iOS databases not in the APOLLO project, such as calendar, location, addressbook, notes or recordings.
  • ios.cookies: Parse cookies in /HomeDomain/Library/Cookies
  • ios.whatsapp: Parse and split WhastApp messages into several CSVs
  • ios.whatsapp_single: Parse WhatsApp database filtered by message_group
  • ios.avere_whatsapp: Check WhatsApp databases consistency for traces of manipulation. Only valid for old iOS versions
  • ios.chat_to_html: Convert a WhatsApp conversation to an html file
  • ios.whatsapp_kw: Search keywords in WhatsApp conversations
  • ios.jailbreak: Search for jailbreak traces in iOS devices. Requires the previous execution of allocfiles

# Job ios.characterize

Characterizes an iPhone backup. This backup must be previously unbacked. See job plugins.ios.unback.Unback

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path path to device root directory ``
outfile path where generated csv file will be stored MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/analysis/characterize.csv
outfile_json path where generated json file will be stored MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/analysis/os_info.json

# Job ios.preforensics

Run a selected set of jobs in this module: unback, characterize, databases, cookies, whatsapp The path is an absolute path to a directory containing an iTunes backup, or a ZIP file containing an iTunes backup. If the backup is encrypted, define unback_command in the ios.unback section.

# Jobs

  • ios.unback: Unback an iOS backup directory or zip file
  • allocfiles: Generate allocated files in a disk image
  • ios.characterize: Characterizes an iPhone backup. This backup must be previously unbacked. See job plugins.ios.unback.Unback
  • ios.timeline: Parse manifest file and generate a body and a timeline csv using mactime
  • ios.apollo_auto: Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO).
  • ios.databases: Parse other iOS databases not in the APOLLO project, such as calendar, location, addressbook, notes or recordings.
  • ios.cookies: Parse cookies in /HomeDomain/Library/Cookies
  • ios.whatsapp: Parse and split WhastApp messages into several CSVs

# Job ios.unback

Unback an iOS backup directory or zip file

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path The path to the backup directory or the zip file to unback ``
extract_path The output directory for the unback MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/mnt/p01
unzip_path In case of unbacking from a zip file, unzip the source to this path before unbacking MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/unzip
remove_unzip_path If set to True (default), delete the unzip directory after unzipping the backup zip file True
unback_command External command to unback in case of encrypted backups. It is a Python string template that receives variables "bk_path" and "extract_path". For example: "python2 backup_tool.py {bk_path} {extract_path}". Check https://github.com/dinosec/iphone-dataprotection/blob/master/python_scripts/backup_tool.py ``

# Job ios.unback2

Unback an iOS backup directory or zip file

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path The path to the backup directory or the zip file to unback ``
extract_path The output directory for the unback MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/mnt/p01
unzip_path In case of unbacking from a zip file, unzip the source to this path before unbacking MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/unzip
remove_unzip_path If set to True (default), delete the unzip directory after unzipping the backup zip file True
password backup password ``

# Job ios.timeline

Parse manifest file and generate a body and a timeline csv using mactime

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
outfile_body MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/timeline/SOURCE_BODY.csv
outfile_csv_hour MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/timeline/SOURCE_hour_sum.csv
outfile_csv MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/timeline/SOURCE_TL.csv

# Job ios.apollo_auto

Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO). You must run ios.characterize before or the job will not get the current iOS version.

# Jobs

  • ios.apollo: Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO).

# Job ios.apollo

Parse iOS databases from the APOLLO project (https://github.com/mac4n6/APOLLO). You must include also the relevant configuration file from RVT2HOME/conf/ios/apollo. Check the device iOS version and run: rvt2 -c RVT2HOME/conf/ios/apollo/rvt2-ios-VERSION.ini -j ios.apollo

# Job ios.ileapp

Parse iOS databases from the iLEAPP project (https://github.com/abrignoni/iLEAPP).

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path path to unbacked folder ``
outdir path to directory where generated files will be stored MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/ios/iLEAPP
ileapp path to ileapp script ./plugins/external/iLEAPP/ileapp.py

# Job ios.databases

Parse other iOS databases not in the APOLLO project, such as calendar, location, addressbook, notes or recordings.

# Job ios.cookies

Parse cookies in /HomeDomain/Library/Cookies

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
outfile MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/ios/cookies.csv

# Job ios.whatsapp

Parse and split WhastApp messages into several CSVs

# Job ios.whatsapp_single

Parse WhatsApp database filtered by message_group

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path The path to the directory to parse ``
message_group Select a specific conversation to parse ``
start_date If set, output only messages from this date. Example format: 2018-12-25 ``
end_date If set, output only messages until this date. Example format: 2020-01-15 ``
username Whatsapp owner name. If not provided is taken from other WhatsApp configuration files ``
localtime If True, convert timestamps to current computer local timezone. If False, use UTC. True

# Job ios.avere_whatsapp

Check WhatsApp databases consistency for traces of manipulation. Only valid for old iOS versions

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
outfile Save the result in this file MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/ios/adv_whatsapp.txt
extract_path The path to the IOS root directory MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/mnt/p01/

# Job ios.chat_to_html

Convert a WhatsApp conversation to an html file

# Jobs

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
message_group Group the conversation belongs to. It is a number 1
input_whatsapp_csv CSV input file with transcripted conversation to convert, relative to message_group folder whatsapp.csv
template Mako template file with html configuration. Relative to current working directory or RVTHOME templates/chat2html.mako
outfile_name output html filename to save results, relative to message_group folder conversation.html

# Job ios.whatsapp_kw

Search keywords in WhatsApp conversations The list of keywords must be defined in a separated file, kw_file, including the keyword label and (optionally) a regex as "LABEL:::REGEX". If the regex is not provided, the modules uses the label as the regex to search.

Example of keyword file:


The job ios.whatsapp must had been executed before the present job

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
path path to the main results folder from ios.whatsapp ``
kw_file path to file containing a list of keywords MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/searches_files/keywords
outfile_name output html filename to save results, relative to message_group folder conversation_kw.html

# Job ios.jailbreak

Search for jailbreak traces in iOS devices. Requires the previous execution of allocfiles

# Configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default
outdir path to directory where generated files will be stored MORGUE/CLIENT/CASENAME/SOURCE/output/ios/jailbreak


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