# Installation

These commands will clone the RVT2 source code and install the external dependencies:

> git clone git@github.com:IncideDigital/rvt2.git
> cd rvt2
> bash setup.sh run

The directory where the RVT2 was cloned will be referred as the $RVT2_HOME directory in this documentation.

RVT2 manages the Python dependencies or the core plugins internally. The first time the RVT2 is run, it will create a pyenv environment and install these dependecies. As a result, the first run of the RVT2 will be very slow!

If you prefer a manual installation of the Python dependencies, run these commands from the $RVT2_HOME directory.

> pip3 install --user pipenv
> pipenv --three
> pipenv install

# External tools

Some plugins may need additional external tools. For example:

In addition, if you download additional plugins, be sure to check their documentation for any additional plugins they might need.

# Local configuration

The RVT2 provides an additional configuration in the $RVT2_HOME/conf directory. You can overwrite any of the default values (such as default paths, location of additional servers, path to logging files...) in a file $RVT2_HOME/conf/local.conf with the configuration specific to your system. This is an example configuration with some configuration you most probably want to change:

morgue: /media/morgue
server: http://localhost
rvthome: /usr/local/lib/rvt2

logfile: /var/log/rvt2/rvt2.log



unback_command: /usr/local/lib/backup_tool/backup_tool.py {bk_path} {extract_path}

Check the section Configuration and running to learn about the structure of this file.

Do not upload your $RVT2_HOME/conf/local.conf to version control!

# Permissions

RVT2 uses many system commands (such as mount) that must executed with root privileges. This is not a problem if the analyst is the only user of the machine.

In a multi-user environment, you might consider adding some extra security to prevent analysts to be root of the machine. Add a rvt user and analysts group to your OS:

> groupadd analysts
> useradd -M -N -s /bin/false -r -G analyst rvt

Change loopdevices permissions to allow members of the analyst group to read from them:

> echo "for i in $(seq 8 31) ; do mknod -m 660 /dev/loop$i b 7 $i ; done\nchgrp analysts /dev/loop*" > /etc/rc.local

Edit /etc/sudoers with visudo and allow the rvt user to run these commands without promping for a password:

%analyst (rvt) NOPASSWD: $RVT2_HOME/rvt2/rvt2
rvt ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/mount, /bin/umount, /sbin/losetup, /usr/local/bin/vshadowmount, /usr/bin/bindfs, /usr/local/bin/icat

Then, run rvt2 command as rvt user:

sudo -u rvt $RVT2_HOME/rvt2 [options]

Finally, it is recommended that directories storing information about a case must have the user rvt as owner and the group analyst with reading permissions but not writing.