# Introduction
Revealer Toolkit 2 (RVT2) is a framework for computer forensics. It is written in Python 3 and uses many open source tools like The Sleuth Kit or regripper.
RVT2 aims to automate rutinary tasks and analysis when managing forensic images, or sources. RVT2 is specially useful in an environment with many cases, many sources and many analyzers.
RVT2 was developed and it is continously used at Incide Digital Data (opens new window), a Spanish DFIR company sited at the beautiful city of Barcelona. It is designed to run on a Debian stable version, althought it is possible to install it on other other GNU-Linux flavours.
This manual is the analyst/user manual of the RVT2. For a more in depth description of the modules, packages and classes in the RVT2, check the Developers manual (opens new window).