# Development

Table of contents:

# Development tools

RVT2 analyzer uses these frameworks and libraries:


This documentation assumes you are familiar with these technologies, specially Vue.js.

RVT2 analyzer source code must follow the Vue.js Style Guide (opens new window).

# Folder structure

RVT2 analyzer uses the default files and folders created by Vue CLI 3 (opens new window).

Main files:

  • src/App.vue: the skeleton of the page. It defines a jumbotron, footer, alerts and the router-view of vue-router.
  • src/main.js: the root JavaScript in the application, providing the Vue object.
  • src/config.js: the default configuration for the application.
  • src/router.js: the configuration of vue-router.
  • src/plugins/vuetify.js: the configuration of vuetify, specially the main theme.
  • src/lib: utility JavaScript files without an interface.
  • src/analyst: the "select analyst" page and its specific components. Root file: TheAnalyst.
  • src/search: the "search page" and its specific components. Root file: TheSearch.vue.
  • src/indices: the "list of indices" and its specific components. Root files: TheIndices.vue and TheIndicesAdmin.vue.
  • src/components: common Components for all pages.
    • src/BaseTag: Component to manage tags. It can colorize tags depending on some groups.
    • src/IndexTable: Component to show a table with the metadata of the available indexes. It uses the rvtindexer index.
    • src/ConfirmDialog: Component to show a dialog to confirm an action using async/await.