# Development
Table of contents:
# Development tools
RVT2 analyzer uses these frameworks and libraries:
- Vue.js (https://vuejs.org (opens new window)) is the JavaScript framework.
- Vuetify (https://vuetifyjs.com (opens new window)) is the UI component framework, based on Google’s material design.
- axios (https://github.com/axios/axios (opens new window)) is the HTTP client.
- vue-router (https://router.vuejs.org/en/ (opens new window)) if the vuejs plugin to manage RVT2 analyzer as a SPA (single page application).
- yarn, webpack and other tools for the development environment.
This documentation assumes you are familiar with these technologies, specially Vue.js.
RVT2 analyzer source code must follow the Vue.js Style Guide (opens new window).
# Folder structure
RVT2 analyzer uses the default files and folders created by Vue CLI 3 (opens new window).
Main files:
: the skeleton of the page. It defines a jumbotron, footer, alerts and the router-view of vue-router.src/main.js
: the root JavaScript in the application, providing the Vue object.src/config.js
: the default configuration for the application.src/router.js
: the configuration of vue-router.src/plugins/vuetify.js
: the configuration of vuetify, specially the main theme.src/lib
: utility JavaScript files without an interface.src/analyst
: the "select analyst" page and its specific components. Root file:TheAnalyst
: the "search page" and its specific components. Root file:TheSearch.vue
: the "list of indices" and its specific components. Root files:TheIndices.vue
: common Components for all pages.src/BaseTag
: Component to manage tags. It can colorize tags depending on some groups.src/IndexTable
: Component to show a table with the metadata of the available indexes. It uses the rvtindexer index.src/ConfirmDialog
: Component to show a dialog to confirm an action using async/await.